o.o ~~ GHOSTS!! ~~ O.O
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This Page Is Well Just about Ghosts I Wonder If They Are Real Or Not Well You Look At Some Of These Pictures And Maybe They Will Make You Believe..

Dobbins House
I Dont Know What The Heck Those things Are if This Picture Is Fake

Demon Or Black Blob?....
This Picture Was Said To Be A Demon Because It Was A very Mean Ghost
Brown Lady
Dont Know Any Info On This Picture Yet

Unknown Figure
What happened was that in the early hours of the morning on November 13th, 1974. Ronald took a high powered rifle and murdered his mother, father, two brothers, and two sisters. Apparently one of his sisters awoke during the shooting only to be looking down the barrel of the shotgun and be shot dead. Ronald DeFeo's excuses for murdering his family changed consistently, from him hearing voices to him not hearing voices to it being a Mafia hit to the older of his sisters.

After being arrested Ronald kept boasting how he would plead insanity at the court hearing and be released in a few years. Psychiatrists found that he was suffering an antisocial personality disorder but Ronald was found sane and responsible for his actions. Everyone was shocked when they heard that DeFeo had a list of people who he was going to take revenge on after his release. It was also noted that DeFeo kept asking about his inheritance from his murdered family and how much he'd be getting.

Ronald DeFeo was sentenced to six consecutive 25 year-to-life prison terms. I personally think this story is scary enough. The Lutzes moved in to the house in the summer of 1975. They knew about the murders but decided that it wouldn't be a problem for them and their three children. Little did they know. After living in the house for 10 days the Lutzes suddenly abandoned all their possessions and moved out of their beloved new home.

They soon went public and told of horrors that went on in their house that tormented them whilst living there. The stories they told included a demonic levitating pig, glowing red eyes that stared at them through the window, a pit into hell in the basement, oozing slime and blood from the walls, urges to repeat the murders that had happened in the house previously, infestations of flies, and waking up every night at the exact same time that the murders took place. A book by Jay Anson was written in 1977 titled "The Amityville Horror - A True Story".

Look At Those Cats O.O
The Myst Stuff Is Suppose To Like Be The Ghost Or Something But Man Those Cats Look Possessed
Looks Like 2 Faces

Dunno About This One..
This One Below Looks Kind Of Like Just Light Spots But I dunno...